Founded in 1954 “to encourage and to aid in the development of local historical
societies and to discover, collect, preserve, and publish historical
records and data relating to South Texas, and with special emphasis on the
Tamaulipan background and the colony of Nuevo Santander.”
South Texas Historical Association
Carrol Scogin-Brincefield President Lynn Burlaw Vice President Mike Carlisle Treasurer George Gellett Secretary
Laurie Jasinski Parliamentarian
Gary Hickinbothem
Arnulfo Mar
Lisa Neely
Carroll Scogin
Manuel Flores
The Journal of South Texas (ISSN: 1099-9310) is a biannual publication and is sent to all members of the South Texas Historical Association. Individual STHA membership is $25 annually. Joint membership per couple is $30 annually.
Membership dues should be sent to:
Responsibility for statements of fact or opinion appearing in the Journal belongs to the individual authors and not to the South Texas Historical Association or Texas A&M University-Kingsville.